Article I: Name and Purpose
- Section 1: Name
The name of the organization shall be the Old Student Alumnae of Bauti Bidyapitha, Ekadal, hereinafter referred to as “the Association.” - Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Association is to foster a spirit of loyalty and promote the general welfare of Bauti Bidyapitha, Ekadal. The Association will support a lifelong relationship between the school and its alumni and work towards the advancement of the school through various initiatives, programs, and events.
Article II: Membership
- Section 1: Eligibility
Membership is open to all former students of Bauti Bidyapitha, Ekadal who have completed at least one academic year at the institution. - Section 2: Categories of Membership
Regular Members: Former students who have completed their education from Bauti Bidyapitha.
Associate Members: Former students who attended Bauti Bidyapitha and an active part of this Association.
Honorary Members: Individuals who have made significant contributions to the school or the Association and are elected by the Executive Committee. - Section 3: Rights and Privileges
All members in good standing are eligible to vote, hold office, and participate in the Association’s activities and programs.
- Section 4: Membership Dues
The Executive Committee shall determine the annual membership dues. Members must pay dues to remain in good standing.
Article III: Governance
- Section 1: Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Association and shall consist of elected officers and appointed members. - Section 2: Officers
The Elected officers of the Association shall be:
– President
– Vice President
– Secretary
– Treasurer - Section 3: Election of Officers
– Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members in good standing during the annual general meeting.
– The term of office shall be two years.
– No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position. - Section 4: Duties of Officers
President: The President shall preside over all meetings, represent the Association in all official capacities, and oversee the functioning of the Association.
Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President and assume the President’s duties in their absence.
Secretary: The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings, maintain the membership database, and handle correspondence.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall manage the financial affairs of the Association, including the collection of dues, disbursement of funds, and maintenance of financial records. - Section 5: Committees
The Executive Committee may establish standing or ad-hoc committees as needed to carry out the work of the Association.
Article IV: Meetings
- Section 1: Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once a year at a date, time, and place determined by the Executive Committee. The AGM shall include the election of officers, presentation of annual reports, and discussion of new and old business. - Section 2: Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the President or any three members of the Committee. - Section 3: Quorum
A quorum for the AGM shall consist of those members present. A quorum for Executive Committee meetings shall be a majority of its members.
Article V: Finances
- Section 1: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall be from April 1 to March 31. - Section 2: Financial Management
All funds of the Association shall be deposited in an account in the Association’s name at a recognized financial institution. The President and Treasurer shall have signing authority on the Association’s accounts. - Section 3: Audit
The financial records of the Association shall be audited annually by a qualified individual appointed by the Executive Committee.
Article VI: Amendments
- Section 1: Procedure
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the AGM, provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted in writing to the members at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
Article VII: Dissolution
- Section 1: Procedure
The Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a special meeting called for that purpose. Upon dissolution, any remaining funds and assets shall be distributed to Bauti Bidyapitha, Ekadal, or another non-profit organization with similar objectives.
These bylaws were approved and adopted by the membership on [Date].
President: _____________________
Secretary: _____________________